Video Production

VIDEO Production

We are a video production team of
“can do, will do”
creative professionals.

As a comprehensive video production company, Painted Dog Media offers the complete spectrum of production services. Whether you require our expertise from beginning to end or if you just need our help in a few key areas to complete your project – we will execute your vision to perfection.


Pre Production

Video Concept Creation

Script Writing & Storyboarding

Video Campaign Development

Location & Talent Scouting



Location Filming

Studio Production




Post Production

Voice-over Recording


Final Mix

Color Correction


This is the planning phase. There are many steps in pre-production that are crucial to ensuring a successful video production project. Each step in the pre-production phase forms the foundation from which the next two phases will rely on and draw from to create the desired finished product.


Having an idea is one thing, but until you put it in writing and develop it into something that could actually be filmed, it won’t be of any use to anyone. For this step, it is important to flesh out the idea, develop a vision, and create a strategy for the rest of the production. If you don’t have an idea yet, we can help you brainstorm concepts that will work with your brand and marketing strategy. Our production team will work with you to figure out your target audience, branding, how the finished product will be used in your marketing campaign, the timeline, and many other important details.

Video Budget

Next, you will want to figure out your video production budget and if the project is financially viable. This is an important foundational step as it will guide most other decisions throughout the process. Painted Dog Media will help you develop a realistic budget and work within your budget to bring your vision to life.

Script Writing, Shot List, and Storyboarding

Your script, shot list, and storyboard are the first structural elements – or bones – of the production. Our video production team will create and use these 3 components to visualize every detail of what is seen and heard on screen. These will also detail what shots will be needed to take the project from concept to final product. While it is important to try to get these components as perfect as possible before shooting starts, it is equally important to remember that things may change during production.

Casting and Location Scouting

For this step, Painted Dog Media will find the perfect cast and locations for the project. This is an exciting time as it is when you are able to see your idea begin to manifest itself in a physical form.

Filming Logistics

At this point, Painted Dog Media will take care of all final items before filming starts. For example, we will:


  • Apply for and obtain any permits that are needed for filming (especially location permits)
  • Determine what equipment and props are needed for each location or shot
  • Make sure that the shooting schedule is finalized and all locations and actors are booked in the most efficient way
  • Ensure that everyone involved has the finalized scripts and shot lists
  • Double-check that all the equipment is charged and ready to go for each day of the shoot


This phase is where all your hard work gets put into action – the actual filming of the project. There are three main parts to the production phase.

Lighting and Sound

This could make or break your project. Without professional lighting and sound, all the hours of footage will be absolutely worthless. It is vital to have the right lighting set-up for each shot (even outdoor shots!) and that the quality of your sound is top notch. To do this, make sure that you hire a professional production company with the skills and the equipment to provide top quality sound and lighting. Depending on the director, this may also be when they want to set-up and position the cameras and do some scene blocking with the actors. Which leads us to the next part of production…

Prepping The Talent

Your talent would have received the scripts by now and should know their lines. However, it never hurts to do a read through with them on set. This is to ensure that they understand exactly what they need to do and how to act for the scene being shot. They will also need to get hair, makeup, and costume done if it is required for the project.

Filming and Directing

Now that everything has been set-up, it’s time to hit that record button. Depending on your needs, your director and cinematographer may be the same person or they may be two different people who collaborate very closely on set. The cinematographer’s job is to operate the camera and to make sure that what is being filmed is visually sound. Basically, they are in charge of  everything that involves the camera. The director’s job is to make sure that the actors are delivering their best performance. The director is also responsible for making sure that what is being filmed translates the original vision to screen correctly. In other words, they handle everything happening in front of the camera and on the set.


During the filming and directing portion of the production phase, it is important to capture b-roll footage. This can include establishing shots, supporting scenes for narrated work or interviews, dramatic reenactments, cut-aways, and any other supplemental or alternative footage that may be useful.


Last, but definitely not least, we have the post-production phase. During this time, all the raw footage that was filmed during production is prepped, edited, and polished. However, there is a lot more to this phase than just that…

Video Logging

Many people don’t realize how much footage is shot – even for a short 1-minute project. There is a fine line between capturing enough footage to cover all your bases and keeping the shooting ratio as low as possible to stick within budget. While having a lot of footage these days is easily achieved with digital video and is great for editing, it can also be a disadvantage. Trying to find the perfect shot in hundreds of minutes of the same scene can be tedious. This is why it is important to log all the footage before an editor can start selecting and cutting shots. A well-organized team with an experienced producer can help keep this process to a minimum by keeping time-codes during filming and making sure that everything on set runs smoothly.

Video Editing

Editing is probably what most people think of when talking about post-production. However, what isn’t always common knowledge is how involved this part of the process actually is. Our editor will work closely with the producer and/or director to put together a rough-cut to present to you. Revisions will be made and a second-cut will then be ready for viewing. This process can be repeated as many times as is necessary to achieve the perfect product.

Sound Design and Mixing

To achieve great quality sound for your project, separate devices would have been used to record the sound and separate sound files created. So, during the post-production phase, the sound will need to be added back into the footage. Also, other sound elements will need to be added to the footage in appropriate moments (e.g. sound effects, voiceover or narration, musical score, etc.) This is referred to as sound design. After this, the final feel of the sound will still need to be tweaked in a process called sound mixing. A sound mixer will adjust sound levels (making some elements softer and some louder), balance the sound (whether you perceive the sound coming from all around you or from your left or right side), and blending or layering sounds together to create a final mix.

Added Extras

Many projects require a few added extras to complete the product. Special effects, graphics, and text are a few of the most common extra elements used in video. If your project is a documentary, for example, you may need subtitles or name banners (lower thirds) introducing people that have been interviewed. Or, if you want your company’s mascot to be animated and a character in your project, this will be added in during post-production.

Color Correction

One of the final steps to the entire video production process is color correcting. Each shot will need to be adjusted to achieve the desired finish and feel of the project. Some projects require a rich, colorful feel and some projects go for a more muted, serious look. This can be created or enhanced through color correction.


Once the product has been edited, mixed, color corrected, and polished to perfection then this is considered to be the final cut. The finished product can now be published or broadcast on any platform you need – from television, to social media, and even private links or DVD’s for use in training or marketing. The video is now yours to do with what you want!

Painted Dog Media will customize our video production services for your specific needs to ensure that your project aligns with your marketing campaign and brand. Our compelling visuals will connect your message to your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Contact us today to find out how our media and production pack can help your project or business.

“Vision, planning, and communication are integral components to the painted dog’s life – making them creative hunters with the highest success rate out of any large African predator. Painted Dog Media embodies these components in our video production process and company ethos.”